The beloved Ark series of survival video games is now making waves as an animated show on Paramount+. With a cast led by Vin Diesel and Michelle Yeoh, Ark: The Animated Series tells a familiar fish-out-of-water story in a dinosaur-filled sci-fi package Needle Fabric 2024 Quitting Is The Answer Shirt . Centering on Madeleine Madden’s Helena Walker, the series follows a grieving paleontologist who is mysteriously transported to a prehistoric world and is forced to learn to survive.
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Leading Ark: The Animated Series is Madeleine Madden as Helena Walker. Helena is a paleontologist who – after the death of her wife Victoria – wakes up adrift at sea. After coming ashore on a strange island, the Australian scientist is thrilled to find her new home is occupied primarily by dinosaurs. She uses this opportunity to study the prehistoric creatures, discovering the island may not be all it seems.
Madden is best known for appearing in Dora and the Lost City of Gold and Amazon Prime Video’s Wheel of Time. She also provides the voice of Helena Walker in the Ark video games. Fast and Furious star Vin Diesel brings to life Santiago in the streaming series, a 24th-century pilot and freedom fighter who also finds himself on the Ark. While he considers himself a master of combat, having fought in the Element War (a conflict between the Terran Federation and the United Republic of Earth over the valuable resource known as Element), nothing could have prepared him for the diverse threats that call the island home.
Diesel is set to play Santiago in the upcoming Ark 2 and can also be seen/heard in projects like the Fast and Furious franchise and Guardians of the Galaxy as the lovable tree alien, Groot. Meiyin Li (played by Michelle Yeoh) plays an important role in Ark: The Animated Series as Helena Walker’s pseudo-guide to her new island surroundings. Known on the island as the ‘Beast Queen,’ Meiyin Li is a fearless warrior who arrives from third-century China, where she was a rebel fighter in the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Yeoh is an Academy Award-winning actress who fans will likely know from her work in Everything Everywhere All at Once, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and Crazy Rich Asians.