The Outreau Case, a brand-new docuseries on Netflix, brings a terrifying story to life behind its intriguing cast of real people. Officially titled The Outreau Case: A French Nightmare, this French-language docuseries examines a disturbing criminal case centered on a pedophilia ring, which was said to take place between 1995 and 2000. Over a dozen children were deemed victims of rape, sexual assault, and corruption, with over 50 people investigated for those crimes and 17 of them prosecuted in court Shadow party 11101 110 shirt . Initially discovered when school teachers and social workers saw strange behavior from four children in the Delay-Badaoui family, those parents were reportedly responsible for heinous crimes against children in France.
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The core subject of the documentary is a man named Thierry Delay, accused of a laundry list of sexual crimes including rape and child abuse. His son appears in the docuseries and recalls him using bed slats to beat his children, and he also yelled at the kids and scared them while wearing a black cape and the classic white mask from Scream. This recounting also notes how he would collect pornography and play it with his kids, even having sex with his wife in front of them as they were made to watch. In 1993, he was convicted for the desecration of graves and exhibition of human skulls, only further showing how sick of an individual he was Shadow party 11101 110 shirt . He denied any such allegations in chatting with one of the core investigators on the case. Myriam Badaoui was married to Thierry Delay, living in the La Tour du Renard building in Outreau with her husband and kids. Although she denied the same allegations levied against her husband, she previously called social services on him and confirmed he committed those acts in a later meeting. She admitted to being sick and abusing her children, but she confused investigators as well with her back-and-forth allegations of who did what. In the end, she confessed to abusing and raping multiple children, naming her husband and neighbors as culprits as well.